Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year

So since the new year has begun I've decided to branch out and get more involved in taking pictures. I wanted to start a different project for the year and decided to go with a project called 52 photowalks. The link to the project details is placed here:

I had previously did project 365 in 08 and noticed that even though it did expand my photography of learning my camera by the year end I was completely bored and noticed that I kept taking the same pictures so I decided to try something different. I took my first picture this morning, I was inspired by the snowfall that had rolled in last night... I will post it later on.

My goals for this year with photography are still being defined but I have managed to enroll myself in a studio lighting class and buy my first imac computer, so far I love my mac and can't wait to learn all the amazing things that it has to offer. I'm really looking forward to this new year, I've set many personal goals that I wish to accomplish.

I'm in the process of starting to launch my photo website for anyone who is wondering I just have to figure out how to launch it through my mobileme account on my mac. As soon as that is finished I will be able to showcase all of my work :)

- S