Saturday, November 21, 2009

Photoshop Fears

Happy Saturday morning :)

I'm off to take a photoshop 101 class and I'm a bit nervous due to the experience that I had with the digital imaging class that I signed myself up for this past semester that turned into a disaster. However, it's time for me to venture out of my comfort zone and start trying new things so I'm hoping that it will be a good experience. If not it's only 2 hours of my life.

Funny story yesterday there was a firedrill at work so I brought my camera outside because I've been trying to get a picture of this one tree that's yellow and orange and so pretty. Well I didn't get a picture of that exact tree but I did take some of others. But when I got back into work 4 different people were asking me what I was taking pictures of, it was kind of funny but also reminded me that sometimes people get nervous to carry their camera everywhere because other people stare at them but I explained how I'm starting this blog and etc. Moral of the story: people may think you look weird with your camera but they're always curious and you never want to miss out on a great picture! So bring it everywhere.

Disclaimer: Yes I know my website is in a different language, I should've mentioned that before I launched it but it slipped my mind. I'm still working on updating it and will be sure to let you know once it's finished.

P.S. thanks for all of the feedback and support :)

Until next time..

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